Ohno Hugs

#52 Delora Allen

I am sorry for my lateness. I have pondered for a month on how to put into words my feelings. This morning the inspiration came. I hope this can be added to your birthday gift from Jess.
In my minds eye I see a treasure chest filled with sunshine when opened a warm yellow glow envelopes you from head to toe. From the outside in to the deepest corners of your soul! Closed, the treasure chest streams streaks of light reminding you of what's inside. My treasure chest is always near by and some of the times I open it or when I pass and when I pass a pumpkin patch or a vineyard full of small purple fragrant jewels, an apple orchard waiting to share crisp juicy goodness.
When I have a pot of soup on the stove and the aroma is felt as comforting as a warm blanket just out of the dryer. When I walk into a cultural hall and remember a stable in Bethlehem or a Christmas feast fit for a King, our King, our master, Jesus Christ.
A field of what some would consider weeds becomes a beautiful centerpiece fit for a sacrament meeting to uplift and warm many or one on their birthday.
A simple note, a piece of paper and ink. Oh the power, oh the joy. Both the giver and the receiver are blessed.
A road trip where the hours seem like minutes, when life's past moments and future dreams are shared.
When something you've done every year is made just a little nicer with a bed spread, sweet quote, circles with words of joy to be given away. Little treats to be relished and thoroughly enjoyed.
Notes taken from speakers and pondered knowing the fervor with which they will be feasted upon by those seeking light and truth.
When words spoken from the heart spark in memory who I am, who my children are, who my husband is, and how blessed we are to be part of Heavenly Father's Family.
Thank you Carrie for allowing me to enter through the gate of the white picket fence. My treasure chest has been filled to overflowing. I continue to discover warmth that comes from sharing life with you. I consider my self blessed beyond measure to call you my friend, sister, confidant, and mentor. My desire is to be a true friend, sister and confidant to you. I look forward to the years that lie before us, a little bit older, hopefully wiser, but definitely a whole lot "WARMER".
I love you Carrie for who you are and who you always strive to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
Thank you again Carrie from the warmest places in my heart, DELORA

#51 Child Family

1. Faithful in all that she does and says.
2. Gives amazing boy haircuts (best we ever got in McCall).
3. You hold the key to creativity.
4. peanut m&m's are your favorite
5. Slumber parties at your house with blankets warm from the dryer.
6. Going ice skating together. 1st place I met you upon arriving in McCall.
7. Sledding together at the golf course.
8. You won't wear sunscreen
9. Carrie Magic...everything is made beautiful.
10. Heart full of love for everyone and everything (except democrats).
11. Tea Party Patriot. So rewarding and fun.
12. You don't measure when you cook.
13. BYU Women's Conference. Being roomates and staying up late talking.
14. Trick or Treating in the Woodlands.
15. You are always busy with a project or service or cleaning or baking.
16. Our Easter Egg Driveway. When I couldn't take anymore white you brought me the bright colors of spring in our very deep snow.
17. Backyard BBQ's making s'mores and eating amazing food.
18. Apple picking in Payette. So happy.
19. Picking concord grapes. So fragrant and beautiful.
20. Sunny days at Payette Lake. Watching the boys play.
21. Swimming at the pool in Hunt Lodge.
22. Snowball fights and forts.
23. Fourth of July at Bear Beach.
24. Your love of nature and feeling Heavenly Father's love through all that you see there.
25. You love to plant flowers and create beautiful arrangements for the chapel without anyone asking or thanking.
26. Road Trips to Boise. Going to the temple, wal-mart orthodontist and Win-Co.
27. Your amazing lemonade stand on the 4th of July.
28. Pumpkins...everywhere. Dinner in a pumpkin. All sizes and shapes.
29. Legacy of Tesitmony that you are leaving for generations to follow.
30. Your yummy cookies right out of the oven.
31. Best ever chocolate cake.mmmmmm
32. You have weathered many storms and remained simply happy.
33. Loyal, honest dependable best friend.
34. 2 of everything...at least.
35. Your love of good sourdough bread.
36. Ice cream Alley, swinging on the porch swing.
37. You always find joy in the journey.
38. Avacado Toast at your kitchen counter.
39. You put your family first...always.
40. Best grandma ever!
41. Mother of nine incredible children.
42. Building a snow sculture together by moonlight and car headlights.
43. You love my oatmeal rolls.
44. Your create the most delicious soups in the world.
45. You feeding the deer in your backyard.
46. Football games together, and practices together.
47. Being Doctor Carrie for Matthew's stitches.
48. Lunches at Chapaplas, green salsa oh my.
49. You teaching Preston how to draw cartoon characters.
50. You love America.

It's so hard to put into words what you have meant to our family. As I asked each family member for memories of you each one said "she is nice" everyitme. You touched each of our lives for good. You helped each of us survive the adjustment to McCall and you became part of what we loved aobut McCall. I know you are part of the reason we came to live in the mountains. You are a friend in every way. You are loyal, honest, trustworthy, kind, forgiving, true, understanding, dependable, and loving. Your smile makes me smile and your heartache makes my heart ache too. You amaze me; in good times and in bad your remain fathful. I'm/we are so blessed to have you in our lives.

We Love You,
Sharon and the Child Clan

#50 Jessica Autrey

I have a million memories of you Mom. Somehow, they are all good ones...how did you manage that? I sure hope that I can figure out how to be the kind of Mom you have always been to us so that my kids will have all good memories too.

Life has never been easy, but we are stronger because of it. I am so grateful for the lessons you taught me about faith, unconditional love, honoring the Sabbath, being respectful, working hard, pinching pennies, good conversation, standing firm to your convictions, sincere desire to choose the right, supporting church activities, paying tithing, giving talks, singing, cultivating talents and being creative, getting along with siblings, not being afraid, serving others, welcoming people into our home even if it's not perfect or glamorous, never speaking negatively about your kids....I could probably go on for days. All of these things are a part of me because of you.

All of the little things you did for us that made us feel special and like our mom was the greatest have been swimming around in my head for the past few weeks. I'm sure there are many that I don't remember, but I want to list some that I do:
  • Bringing a Togo's sandwich to school when we didn't have a lunch.
  • Balloons and birthday treats to share with the class.
  • Going to Twin Lakes beach.
  • The "Bumpy Slide Park" - I still don't know what it's really called.
  • Capitola by the Sea, once or twice you took some friends and I to check out guys. Ha ha!
  • Window shopping in Los Gatos.
  • Hiking Fall Creek or Henery Cowell.
  • Making sure I got to go to EFY and Girl's Camp every year.
  • Letting me come to Homemaking with you.
  • Bringing me along to baby showers (maybe that only happened once because Betty was kinda crazy). Ha ha.
  • Sending Jay and I to the store for groceries and never getting mad when we got ice cream at Thrifty's. I think we were always worried that we'd get in trouble for that, which is probably why we are really fast ice cream eaters now. :)
  • Letting us drive the car around the block (I was probably sitting on your lap, but still).
  • Taking us to Bob Reid concerts and having us sing with him.
  • Convincing me that I had the best hair ever, making it worth all the trouble it caused me (and you when you had to cut it).
  • Always talking about how beautiful I was.
  • Staying up super late to talk because were were having so much fun.
  • The time you let Sara and I invite a guy we had never met to come over really late at night. (Even if it turned out to be a disaster since we were so crazy by the time he got there.)
  • Decorating a cake with me for Young Womens.
  • Buying Joanne's bread and letting us devour it all.
  • Making sure we went to everything...church, youth, activities, dances, etc.
  • Trusting me and expecting me to make good choices.
  • Getting us involved in 4H.
  • Having me make reminder calls about activities you were planning.
  • Letting me come to Bunco sometimes.
  • Letting me help you plan things and get your creativity flowing.
  • Being my biggest fan.
  • Helping me through conflicts with friends.
  • Standing up for teenagers and letting us hear you tell people that you loved having teenage kids.
  • Never to this day saying a negative thing about me, but letting me overhear you singing my praises.
  • Always expressing your love for us.
  • Notes listing our strengths, your gratitude, and the jobs that needed to be done.
  • Showing love to my friends, always.
  • Making us cookies.
  • Letting me make cookies. (Teaching me to be comfortable in the kitchen.)
  • Trying new things with me like Martha Stewart's Black Bottom Torte (or was it tart?) and cream puffs.
Mom, thank you for your strength and your example. I hope you know that I am grateful for the good things and the bad. I'm grateful for the shielding I got from the world as well as the things I experienced that you probably wished you could have protected me from. It is all who I am. I am not afraid of trials because I know that I can endure them. I desire to do what is right because I know that is where joy comes from. You taught me that, and I am eternally grateful.

I love you up to Heaven!


#49 Henery Cowell

#48 Ginelle Britton

It's hard to effectively portray how i feel about My Mom......

But here are some favorite experiences with Mom.

Emmy and I were probably three and five. It must have been some time in January because it had been raining for like a week straight. Mom gave us our bath and put us in her bed. Telling us we had to stay in the bed and be big girls. Then, her and Jess pulled their coats and boots on and, went out into the pounding rain. They went to help our neighbors down in the groves that were affected by the flooding of the San Lorenzo River. The memory is a little blurred but I remembered being unable to sleep in mom's big bed. The rain was pounding so hard on the roof. Emmy had fallen asleep right away but I just laid there and imagined mom and Jess pulling people out of the river and saving lives. I imagined them having extra strength and defeating the natural disaster all by themselves. I thought of them as super heroes because that's what they were to be. No evil or foe was too great for Jess and Mom!

I also remember we were all helping make dinner in our narrow kitchen. Emmy, trying to help, got the box of noodles. Not realizing one side was open Em dumped the whole box on the floor. She almost started to cry I think. Mom quickly assessed the situation and concluded the mess would not be allowed to get us down. She put a huge smile on her face and said Oh it’s the spaghetti dance...and proceeded to dance on the spaghetti covered floor. After the initial shock of her reaction both Em and I joined in. Dinner was a little late that night and we had something other then spaghetti. However, we learned some thing significant that night. We saw how a bad, frustrating thing can be changed into a great experience. She showed us life doesn't have to get us down. Dancing can be the best way to clean up spaghetti or change a bad attitude and chase away tears.

When I moved to college Mom helped me move all (seven tons) of my belongings into my first apartment. She made friends with all the guys in the complex. In addition to trying to get them to ask me out, she had them make improvements to my crappy little flat. They painted my bed frame, re-caulked my sink and changed out the switch plates...mom gets it done.

What a great lady! I'm glad I have been able to learn so closely from her. I love how optimistic she is and that she does what is needed in spite of the challenges that come up. She is the best mom and an even better friend.

I love my mom.

- Ginelle

#47 Cutting down our Christmas tree

That first Christmas in McCall you had at least three Christmas trees! Just like the pumpkins, when something makes you happy, why not multiply it, right?!

Remember the year we were headed up Empire Grade and the Volvo broke down? We had the missionaries with us and were stranded for a long time. We took funny pictures and drew with "chalk rocks" on the road, outlining bodies so it looked like a murder scene. That could have been a bad memory, but it turned out to be a lot of fun.

#46 Jared Autrey

Carrie is the best mother-in-law that I've ever had. She is loving, kind and likes to make things. It doesn't matter what it is, she makes it... food, crafts, flower arrangements, children... the list could go on forever. She has always taken the time to offer good advice and great stories and even listen to some from her punk son-in-law too. One of my favorite times was driving to rescue the spider-bitten, food-poisoned, camped-out Steve. It was a long, unplanned, spontaneous trip that provided for good conversations accompanied by beautiful scenery. I also have always appreciated her desire to have a simplified, Christ-centered Christmas. There have often been lots of crazy distractions and exaggerated commercialism involved in the Christmases we've shared, but Carrie always keeps things simple and reminds people of what truly matters. I can tell that her favorite part is having her family together and watching them interact and share their love. I'm glad to be a portion of that part of her life! I'm also lucky to have her oldest daughter as my side-by-side every day. What a great gift she has given me!
- Jared Autrey

#45 Field trips and special treats

Once, on a field trip we stopped at the donut shop on our way out of town. Mom always made field trips even better!

#44 Selah Autrey

#43 Emmy Britton

mom and i were on our way to the store on a super slushy day, when we saw these little kids in the parking lot giving away puppies, we thought the puppies were uber cute, even though they were mutts and mom has always liked pure bread dogs that i know of. i really wanted one of the dogs and the boy watching them told mom that if they weren't able to find homes for all the puppies you know what would have to be done. mom and did our grocery shopping. when we finished buying things at the store we went to 'the restaurant' and mom filled up two to-go cups with hot chocolate then the two of us went back to the store, gave the two little kids the hot chocolates and got me my puppy Ramelli.i liked how mom didn't even have to think twice about what would bring me gladness. and how she didn't have to scheme for a long period of time to think of getting those kids cocoa, always thinking of others- yeah, that's my mum!


#40 Jay Bauer

As I sit and attempt to think of a single time in which you, “My Mom” sticks out, I find my mind roaming around all the wonderful memories that I have been blessed with and cant decide which to write about.

I do have one thing that for me is a shining example of how wonderful you are and have always been.

This must be over 20 years old because the reference is of a movie that came out in the 80s. “Jay” says mom, “if you ever need to talk or if things are really getting you down and you don’t know how to handle them then you can just tell me… GHOST BUSTERS!”

This is how Carrie does things, she brings it to your level, if you are a little kid she finds something that you like and relates whatever is going on in your life at the time. If you are a grown man she does the same.

Mom you are amazing and you helped me to be a better person then I could have ever been with any other mom in the world. Thank you for putting family first.


Ps. One other quick memory… “Race the car up the hill from Quail Hollow elementary”…. Also…. Push the car around the grove to be the fastest kid around. Mom I was the fastest all because of your love. You can push my car anytime you want. I love you.

#39 Deanna Walliser

Dearest Carrie Lyn;

First I want to say that the most wonderful gift to me, and all mankind is the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior.

Second most wonderful gift to me was the birth of Carrie Lyn a precious little bundle, all wrapped in flawless flesh, with a beauty that can't be put into words, but felt deep within the heart, my heart always.

A special spirit that was good and sweet, now is great and sweeter, will become greater and the sweetest.

Carrie Lyn you are a caring soul with deep feelings for others, you share your remarkable talents to uplift others, even when you need uplifting.
I was so concerned about you Carrie in your teen years, worried about losing you to the world. I fasted and prayed many days to our Heavenly Father for you, our Heavenly Father knew how special you are and what you could do, he answered my prayers and here you are that special young girl only now she's a very special fifty year old woman.

Your heart is big I'm glad it is inflatable so it gets bigger and bigger just don't let it pop.

Remember when I made you that orange and white outfit with fringe you pick the fabric, you loved it thought you were right in style (you were) then a few years later you said how could I have let you wear such clothes. (Oh how times change.)
You might not know this but when you left home because Dad was upset and angry about you being pregnant you were staying at the Shorts I think. We were driving down Highway 9 and saw you walking I asked Dad to find it in his heart to forgive, and bring you back home so he did, I'm so glad he did. You know how moms are, they have a love like yours, never ending, always helping and forgiving and finding the good.

You are bone of my bone flesh of my flesh your body was created by your dad and me. But your special wonderful spirit that lives in that body was created by your Heavenly Father and he in his love for me blessed me with your care.

I only wished I would have done better than I did, believe me I'm not going to complain, you are my joy and happiness in that little girl, that grew into a wonderful lady that's my daughter (who could want more).

I loved working with you in Relief Society we were a great team, we did the best dinners and brunches ever. My cooking your decorating will go down in history as putting our talents to good use and showing our gratitude to our Savior for blessing us with them keep up the good work.

Our turns at Bunco were up there with the best of them, food and prizes oh what fun we had.

Fifty's not so bad, if I were fifty, OH when I was fifty what energy I had, just be happy you're not seventy yet.

I love you with a love so deep and strong that there is no power on earth that can destroy it or diminish it.

Happy Birthday
Loving you forever
your grateful Mom

P.S. A list of some things we did
1. picking blackberries on Park Dr.
2. going to the river in the summer
3. eating our plums and peaches
4. growing and eating the best tomatoes ever
5. stacking, and making wood piles
6. loving Uncle Bill
7. lots more but I need you to remind me. The list of good things would be very long.

#38 Jamie Britton

Every chance I get, I brag about how good of a cook My Mom is.

Mom has a gift.... She regularly takes ordinary things and makes them something special, a front room, the backyard, a church lesson. Mom's touch is the envy of friends, family and passers by.



#37 Brandy Wright

I am having a really hard time coming up with a memory. I have lots of them but there is a theme with all of them and that is Aunt Carrie as my biggest cheerleader. All of my memories with Aunt Carrie involve her being the kind of mom my mom couldn't be. Her trying to make my life better and love me like Heavenly Father loves me. There isn't on memory that stands out as individual from the rest but instead all the memories combined make up my schema for Aunt Carrie and thus the way I deserve to be treated. She has had the hardest job of all in my life. I look to her for strength, guidance, support, love....etc....when others did not believe in my worth she stood up and defended me. When I was lost she got out her flashlight and provided the light for me to find my way. To me Carrie is an example of the Saviors love for me. She is SUPPER WOMEN! The theme in all my memories of her are centered in her devotion to making life better and of being true to herself. When I celebrate an accomplishment in my own life I do with the knowledge that it is because of the kind persistence and gentle reinforcement that Aunt Carrie provided me with that I am where I am today. So it is with the deepest love that I acknowledge the magnificent person Carrie is.

Even though it was hard at times to share her with me I thank each and everyone of you, Joseph and ME in particular, for allowing your mom to be the Mom my mom wasn't. She has made an immeasurable difference in my life.


#36 The Covered Bridge

Felton Covered Bridge 3

#35 Laura Clauson

Dear Carrie,

We haven’t had the opportunity to hang out much, but we have many things in common. First off, we share the same birthday, we have sons with the name of Jared, we have raised some awesome children, (two of which found each other and are now amazing parents and because of them, we have the most adorable grandchildren!), we have been attracted to spouses with the name of Steve:) and the list goes on….

My first memory of you is from Jared and Jes’ wedding. I was amazed at your unbelievable talents! The flowers and decorations for their reception were so beautiful! I was also so impressed with your ideas for the pre-wedding activities. You were so organized and you wanted to make sure that everyone in attendance would enjoy themselves and make the best use of their time!

It seems like over the years when you’ve come to visit or I would go to Idaho to visit, we would miss each other. But I have kept up with your life through Jes. I continue to be impressed with your courage and strength. Your quiet and thankful attitude is such an example to me. I am amazed at your desire and ability to always be doing for others. But probably more than anything, your testimony, your willingness, and your drive to press forward during difficulties has strengthened and uplifted me.

Thank you for your example. Thank you for kind words. Thank you for raising an awesome daughter who is the best daughter-in-law anyone could hope for.

Happy, happy birthday, Carrie dear! Wow! 50 years old! (I must admit, it does feel good to have you be turning 50 before me! Let me know how it feels:)

Love you,


#34 Jenna Estrada


All the memories I had of Carrie were positive! I love Carrie! She was like a mom to me. Which even at times I called her "mom". She is the most creative women full of energy and fun. She is also fearless. It seems like she can do anything and everything. Every time I went over to her home it was always decorated for the season. When I was there it felt like it was mine. I know that she made it that way!

Carrie is even a very stylish woman! very beautiful inside and out! I really appreciate the time when she helped Ginelle and I move to Utah for our first time. She treated me as though I were one of her own. I have had many laughs with that women! Many wonderful conversations that helped me grown stronger!

As I have seen Carrie host parties or events or help out with them, she never stresses out (like most women do) :) And she always had amazing ideas. she is always thinking of others and how she can help them. She is so relaxed. A wonderful role model, mother and friend. I'm so grateful that she was apart of my life!

-Jenna Porter Estrada

#33 Lee Slichter

Dear Carrie,

I feel as though I have known you long, long times--but as I stop to think it hasn't even been 5 years since I met you. Maybe it is the depth and "realness" of our conversations that makes it seem that way. The mention of your name brings so many pleasant thoughts to mind. There are the obvious things: your sweet notes of encouragement and friendship; your creativity and elegant style of presentation; your indomitable smile; and your Dr. Pepper. And there are the ones that are more subtle and intimate in nature: the unsinkable, courageous heart that is willing to take on the hardest problems; the satisfaction you find in that which is homemade, simple, and startling in its ability to gladden the heart; the passion for whole foods and great cooking; the way you can hate mediocrity in centerpieces but love clunker cars as long as they will run; and all the understated yet powerful ways you testify of the Savior through your example. There are dozens of others I could name--but here is the bottom line--you have touched my life in a meaningful way and I treasure our friendship. Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl. I love you and I do believe we shall always be friends no matter how many years pass or miles expand between us.

Blessing on your head!
--Lee Slichter

#32 Jennifer and Jason Porter

Carrie has always been a shining light! Throughout the years we were together in McCall, She has helped brighten our lives in ways she might not know with her open and fun loving attitude! She has been a support to our family through her strong and persevering example. I am deeply impressed at how she works to be so positive and how powerful her influence can be! I LOVE CARRIE!! We LOVE Carrie!
Jennifer and Jason Porter

#31 Brett Call

This is hard to say in words on paper. Let me try...
Carrie (of course to me I always called her Sis. Britton) took the time to understand me, to love me, and to show genuine care for me. In the few short months that I was around her, I gained a life long friend. I am a person that has very few "best friends" (maybe 5 or 6 total) - but I would say that Carrie is one of those best friends. Her smile was ever present, and she always encouraged me to smile, to be the best I could be. I have always missed her ever since I left SLV and will always miss being around her - because she truly is one of God's best.
- Brett Call

#30 Triston Brewer

my best memory is when she took me to the carnival at church it was really fun i remember it till this day, and i love and miss her alot
love the family xoxoxoxo - triston

#29 Mason Brewer

my greatest memory of aunt carrie is when we would go back from church and watch veggie tells and she would make the best nachos.
- mason

#28 Dana Jones

So, a memory of Carrie...How would I narrow it down to one? Everything in my head revolves around her good food, ward activities, and her laugh-I love her laugh! But, two things come to my mind specifically. One was a day where she and Mona French stopped by and brought my family goodies and we just stood in my entry way and visited for a long time. My family and I needed that on that particular day...Always thoughtful. I also remember after a Primary Presidency meeting at my house one day, it took Sharon, Carrie, and I over an hour to try to get Carrie's big blue van out of my driveway in the snow. We tried everything and were trying to pull it out with Sharon's Suburban. I just remember it wasn't the best situation, but all we could do was laugh. Every time we thought it would work, or it couldn't get worse, the van would slide back down in the driveway and we'd have to start over, but we all just kept laughing about it, and eventually it all worked out. I guess this memory sticks out in my head because I think it's a general view of what I have always seen in Carrie. Whether things are good or things are hard, she is always there with a smile or a laugh or some cookies so we can all get through it...I've always appreciated that.
– Dana Jones

#27 Kristina Wright

Dear Carrie,
I hope you have a wonderful 50th birthday. I have always admired the way you can make beauty out of anything. You have blessed our ward with all the wonderful activites you've been involved it. I really enjoyed the time you made dinner in a pumpkin for the primary. It was so delicious and you helped us all feel appreciated. You also have the gift of smiling, even when you don't feel like it. You are a wonderful person. Thanks for all the times you have given of yourself to bless me and my family.
Kristina Wright

#26 Marala Robertson

Dear Carrie, You are one of my idols. If I could spread your great attitude around the world. The world would be so much better. l am a better person for having known you.
Love, Marala Robertson

#25 Lisa Robertson

Carrie always had a smile on her face, and she always had a determination to help people. She's a very giving person :)
- From Lisa Robertson

#24 Lisa Miller

In all the callings that I've been in with Carrie while living in CA, she never cease to amaze me. I loved her enthusiasm, energy and creativity. Her capacity to unconditionally love those she's around is a wonderful example to me. I will always have a special place in my heart when I think of Carrie.
– Lisa Miller

#23 Amy Budrow

Carrie made being a teen age girl a lot of fun!
What I mean is I liked being a teenager with her in my life...she was fun and crazy and I always felt loved when I was with her.
- Amy (Nichols) Budrow

#22 Bret Alvey

One of the best memories (prob not for her) is of the BIG flood that happened out there. I remember coming over an digging trenches around your house and then going down to the river and watching if flood the entire street below. Pretty crazy day way back then.
Bret Alvey

#21 Zetta Simpson

Carrie was always so sweet to us when we lived up in Mccall! She was fun and creative and patient and loving. We always admired Carrie and had some fun times with her when we lived up there!
- zetta simpson

#20 Lorrie Judd

One thing I will always remember about your Mom is the beautiful Flower Arrangements that she made for the Chapel each Sunday. I always looked forward to seeing what beautiful arrangement we were going to enjoy that week. Carrie has such a wonderful talent for taking flowers, greenery, and such and making beautiful arrangements.
–Lorrie Judd

#19 Melissa Johnston

I have a lot of good memories about Carrie! I remember how much love and care she gave all of us girls when she was young women's president. She was always pushing us to think hard and do better. She expected from us what she new we were capable of even if we didn't know it. I was always proud of myself when I accomplished something that Carrie pushed and encouraged me to do. She helped me realize my potential as a teenager.

I always enjoyed going over to the Rowley home for food because Carrie, of course, is the best cook! Also, I also always looked up to her a bit because she was able to raise so many good kids as a single parent for the most part. I still miss her big loving smile! Love you up to heaven!
Melissa (Judd) Johnston

#18 Linda Radford

whenever i think of Carrie Rowley, i can't help but smile! i first met her at fall creek school--a bunch of homeschooling moms waiting in the parking lot for our kids to come out. once i got to know Carrie i knew i'd found a sister! we would spend more time than most laughing about the silliness of dogs (of all things!). she had two labs--Duke and Duchess, and i had whatever assortment of dogs that i had. as if half a dozen kids (each) weren't enough to tackle, we had these family dogs that really were our responsibility, not the family's, you know? we would giggle about the absurdity of it all, sometimes wondering who was more demanding, the dogs or the kids. those are my first memories of Carrie. I have sweet and touching memories of her as well--how she (along with 2 other sisters) shared the Church with me by her example of love--i've always said that i was loved into the church. i remember wonderful meals at her home that was always, always open to whoever wanted to drop in--and if you had licorice with you, you were really welcome! we have the same Mary Englebreit connection and i love that she always understood that about me. Carrie is the best friend anyone could ever have. Her love for family and Heavenly Father and people is something that i have always admired. Carrie--i love you. You are my sister and you are my friend. i miss your hugs. Have a happy birthday.
love to you always, Linda Radford

#17 Kristy Thompson

I have such fond memories of Carrie as a young mother. I want you to know that she was such an inspiration for me. Seeing her just 2 years older than I was and having a toddler and a new baby, then taking in my sister and I for the summer after our mother passed away was such a mature thing to do. (We did have alot of fun too). I have friends who are Christians that don't know any Mormons and I constantly praise your mom as being an excellent example of a beautiful mother, loving Mormon and good example for me as a young woman. She knew I needed a caring sister in my life and she introduced me to wonderful people that summer. I went to camp and was a junior counselor. I discovered talent I never knew I had. She impressed upon me values and discipline that I had never discussed with anyone. When I was older and you and Jay came to MN to visit, I always made sure I was there to spend time with you because of the love and care that Carrie had shown for me. I think God purposely put her in my life to impress upon me the things my mother had always told my about not judging others, being kind to a fault, and loving everyone. I love telling others what a great mom she is and I never feel guilty making my kids eat vegetables!
Love Kristy Thompson

#16 Kate Halversen

Carrie called me a few weeks before Christmas. "May I stop by? I have something for you." "Sure," I said looking forward to finding out what Carrie was up to. Carrie and her children came to our door bearing a red wire Christmas tree covered in Christmas decorated papers. Each paper was an activity to help us celebrate, anticipate and build our spirits for Christmas. Sing carols, bring a treat to a neighbor, be a secret Santa, do a good deed, read a certain scripture, watch a Christmas movie, tell each other what you love and appreciate about each other. The tree was covered with these ideas and many more. I'll always appreciate Carrie and her family’s proactive thoughtfulness.

Kate Halversen
Ben Lomond, California
this happened between 2002 and when the Rowleys moved away

#15 Tiffany Williams

Carrie you have touched my life so much, I will always remember talking on the phone to you while I washed my walls or cleaned my house while you gave me words of encouragement. Thank you so much for all the times you would talk me through rough times of my life with children or hubby. I will never forget all the cool craft projects that you did or the wonderful garden that you grew. ( I guess you can also say the wonderful children you grew !) Also.
I was very sad that you moved away from our ward you were a wonderful asset to it one that has never nor could ever be replaced.
Happy 50th and I love you!
Tiffany Williams

#14 Chrissy Lee

My best memories of Carrie are from growing up in the SLV ward. I always looked forward to each ward activity to see how she decorated and her creatives ideas. I know she played a huge part in my life; I really admired her for her creative ideas and positve attitude. In young womens she helped me understand gospel principles from her life stories. I love her energy and the feeling of always being welcomed when I am around her. When they moved to Idaho it was so fun to reunite. I am forever grateful for her cranberry salsa which is a holiday must have. I love you Carrie.

Chrissy Branson Lee

#13 Bill Bauer

One of many great memories of Carrie is the first time I met her. In those days Steve & I & our friends were working hard and partying harder! He wasn't really comfortable in the crazy lifestyle, but didn't know any other & wanted to fit in. When Carrie came into his life I was so happy for him to find someone so nice & unspoiled & beautiful. I remember thinking that we all should be so fortunate, but we probably wouldn't appreciate it! Say HI for me when you see her.
Love, max

#12 Tina Appleby

When I think of Carrie, or if I had to sum her up in a paragraph, I have never met anyone who worked SO hard, got SO much done, and always made it seem so effortless. That's why people ask her to help. Because she makes everything look so EASY.
-Tina Appleby

#11 Kelly Shields

Your mother and I are just now getting to know one another..we both are so busy in our own life but finally we both took the time the past couple of years and got to know each other..On that I know she's a beautiful person inside and out. She's extremely talented and well balanced. I love her smile her spunk and her energy. when I see her my whole day is put into a huge Smile..I've never seen her not have a smile on her face or busy running around doing something. There is so much I can say but most of all I'm so extremely happy to call Carrie my good close friend. She is a ray of sunshine to me..I don't think she realizes that when I have a few moments with her she completely changes my entire day..she fills my heart and gives me hope that I will be ok and that I should be happy for what I have and who I am. She's AWESOME more then awesome she's SUPERFANTSTILISTIC!!! ...LOVE LOVE LOVE CARRIE...if it was possible I'd say Carrie was an Angel a true living Angel here on earth..to me she is a gift given to us all from our Heavenly Father..what more can I say..I just can't put it all into words what she does for us all. She's down right Amazing!! the word for her is the word above..SUPERFANTASTILISTIC!!!
I hope that is good enough you can add more to it if you wish there is so much I can say but no words can discribe how wonderful super fantasic your mother is..You kids are so truly blessed to have such a wonderful mother she's one of a kind..I've never known anyone like her..
I was hoping she'd come to Utah with us but I do understand she wants to spend the most time she can with those two wonderful little boys. but maybe she'll change her mind...I thought it would help her out financially to if we took them down but we'd only be in the way of her time and I'm not sure if they'd be comfortable in the back seat of my car. I'm praying so hard for her right now..She's so terrific in spirit still and I'm amazed at her heart and love for the World. She came over the other day and she just puts me in aw! I wasn't in the mood to be as creative as she was but she runs so fast I can't keep up with her..lol...I'm so thankful for her right now cause we to are having a very very hard time and just to have her around me and keeping such a positive attitude amazes me and she doesn't know how much I miss her and need her around me more. I guess I need to have her over more often for lunch or dinner I was going to make us lunch but we got so side tracked I completely forgot to ask her if she was hungry I felt so awful when she drove away and knew we'd not taken the time to eat a good hardy meal all she ate was a Chocolate Chip Cookie and drank a bottled water..ugh I'm a horrible host.
-Kelly Shields

#10 Roaring Camp and walking on the tracks

#9 Jenteal Peirce

I love your mom Jess, she makes me laugh. I remember when I would go to Cali with you and stay at your house, your mom would always write us sweet little notes to read in the morning and then end the note with a chore to do around the house. I remember thinking that I've never been a guest at someone's house where I had to do a chore, but it made me feel like a part of the family and not just a guest! I also remember she would never let us say "hate", she's a very positive person.
– Love Jenny

#8 Cami Rauch Lisonbee

Carrie always has a smile on her face and maintains the most positive outlook on life!
-Cami Rauch Lisonbee

#7 Jessie Davis

I haven't known your mom for her whole life obviously, but I've known her long enough to consider her a good part of my life. I always value her opinion and admire her strength and love. I am also very greatful for the love that Carrie has shown me; even though I'm no LDS and I don't go to church every week, Carrie always finds in her heart to treat me like part of the family. Her trust is something that means a lot to me.
I have many wonderful memories with her in them...but the one that always stands out is Homecoming 2006. Ginelle and Jeff were dating but Jeff asked Carlie to the dance. Carlie then proceded to think it was okay to come over the day of the dance and ask Ginelle if she could borrow her shoes for the dance. I was staying with your family that week and witnessed the greatest thing any mother could do for her daughter. Carlie didn't bother to knock on the door and just walked in and Carrie saw her and shouted from across the house: "I don't want you in my house when you're going to hurt my daughter! Get out! Ginelle doesn't want to see you. Not now." Emmy, Ginelle and I were speechless at that point, and once I could finally find my voice, all I could say was "Alright, Carrie! Way to go." It was a pretty awesome moment for all four of us in the house. Way to go, Carrie, you're such a cool mom. I love being your other kid.
–Jessie Davis

#6 Nichole Crossley

Carrie is absolutely gorgeous!
Carrie is a great Mom who wants her kids to be their best selves.
Carrie is very smart and really pushes herself to learn and grow. I really look up to her.
~Love Nichole Crossley

#5 Arianne Lewis

Anything about rainbows or flamingos pretty much remind me of when us 3 would draw!!
- Arianne (Cheney) Lewis

#4 Brent and Ruth Palmer

Carrie's smile will always remain a memory whenever I think of her. Her eyes sparkle and she always said something wonderful to lift my spirits. Carrie is full of hospitality, she took my husband in when I was gone and he loved every minute he shared with her family. And when we came back to McCall to get our stuff she feed us all!! My sister and in-laws. What a wonderful and generous person to know and try to be like! We love you Carrie. happy birthday.
Love Brent and Ruth Palmer

#3 Erik's Deli & Togo's

#2 Kathy Kirksey

I've been trying to think of some specific story about your mom, but nothing like that comes to mind. I just remember how impressed I've always been at what a good mother she has always been and still been able to accomplish much. For instance, I remember one time I was with her and it was quite late. She said she had to get home to give her kids baths, that she wouldn't think of them going to bed without one. I thought, "Wow! If I was going home late like that, I just wouldn't care." And of course, she was and, I'm sure still is, so creative. Always had great table displays and good object lessons. And she could come up great costumes for you kids and great Bunco gifts without spending a lot. Anyway, I know this is just general stuff, but tell your mom, I've always been so impressed with her many talents and devotion to her family.
- Kathy Kirksey

#1 Becky Randall

I absolutely adore your mother! She was in our SLV ward all my growing up years. She was there when I was in Primary, she was there when I was in Young Women's, and she was always someone I loved and looked up to. Some of the things I love about Sister Rowley: She is an optimist. She always seemed to make me feel happy, worthwhile, and wanted. She was very good at sending little "love letters" or thank you notes in the mail. I loved receiving those! She was full of compliments, and they always seemed sincere. Every project your mother undertook came out a beautiful, creative masterpiece. She never did things in a small way. I often thought of Sister Rowley as my personal friend, not just another adult in the ward. I also often thought I wanted to be just like her when I grew up and became a mom. Carrie had a deep testimony that she was not afraid to share. She helped me understand how to recognize and feel the spirit. If you are looking for just one memory, I cannot give you that. I have hundreds of memories of your mother. How she let me help make boutonnieres in her flower shop. How she handled herself after Jared died, never seeming to lose faith. She never knew I was watching. Her weakness for Coke (or was it Pepsi?)- every time she bought it, she told me it was a bad habit, and that I should never drink the stuff. How she took me with her to pick out flowers for the flower shop. How she hired me to perm her hair while I was in Beauty College. How, when I destroyed a craft project, she told me I had many OTHER wonderful talents! She was always serving in one capacity or another, always took her callings above and beyond what was expected, and never seemed to become weary of well-doing. Your Mom never seemed worldly- she knew that family is the most important thing in the world, and her actions every day showed this to me. I love Sister Rowley; she has impacted my life for the good more than she will ever know. You are lucky to have her as a mother. I am lucky for having her as a friend. I can truly say I am a better person for knowing her! Happy Birthday, Carrie! I love you!
- Rebecca Wolfenbarger (aka: Becky Randall)